Business Strategy


The significant purposes of the Company

-       Operating in a safe and sustainable manner

-       Earning stable profit.

-       The market share is continuously expanded and increased.

Mid-term and long-term strategy:

The Company has planned and set up the strategy within the next 5 years as follows:

  • Corporate strategy: 

+ Maintaining the model of holding company and its subsidiaries. Planting and cattle husbandry are our core sectors operating in accordance with the vertical connection with the same agricultural infrastructure.

+ Applying advanced technology in agriculture to save the resources and make the difference.

  • Business strategy:

+ Positioning the Company as the high rank in Southeast Asia and leading in Vietnam in planting and husbandry sectors.

+ The core products are rubber latex, palm oil and cane sugar. The other agricultural products are gradually developed.

+ The target customers are the companies using agricultural raw materials in the processing industry.

+ The core benefit offering to our customers is the peace of mind to the agricultural products under the name of HAGL Agrico due to its clarity and transparency in the product traceability.